What is left when everything was taken away? Whiteness, for sure. And what remains to be blown up – to reach the lowest common denominator. To what stubbornly tells us about There, from There, again and again. Whatever it costs. Whatever escapes from it. May it be enchantment, passage, or joy.
In the beginning, might it be the gesture reduced to the essential: two bodies, two kinds, two colours, two dimensions, two reigns, the same solitude, the same persistent desire that it continues and that it starts again. The same deep desire to be transformed by the other, to be moved by the other. As if everything only existed to be troubled or crossed. Might it be two humans and a raven pie, embarking each other in a strange sensitive and poetic ballet, where each body leaves a trace, where each story is written.
First part of a diptych, Là is a prologue, a crude and naked gesture that circulates between bodies and voices, rhythms and worn dances, drops and momentums. Nothing settles, nothing stays, it all rolls away. A prelude to Falaise, this first piece introduces a language without words nor stops, happening under our lives. It turns inner space upside down, like a glove, inviting us to observe our behaviours in the changing surface our gestures offer us. Zooming on the present of here and now, Là reinvents our ignored gestures, our impulsive gestures, gestures of jerks, spasms, screaming, the gestures of life anyway, of life at all cost.
In French, Là can mean “here”, “there” and/or “now”.

Being in the world
Là is a slap-shaped journey, a way to give a gorgeous melody to today’s world.
Lights, sound, and imbalance always find their place in this polyphony that shapes a virtuoso and dreamlike narrative, deploying boundless material inventiveness and physical resources close to the sublime.
Là is a surprising work that shows that the boundaries of the circus are yet to be discovered, or better yet, never to be discovered.
Baro d’evel’s black-and-white radiance
Là is not a circus show. It is imaginative and total, made of a thousand materials: mime, dance, theatre, acrobatics, singing, plastic arts… and, above all, poetry.
Authors and performers: Camille Decourtye, Blaï Mateu Trias and the pied crow Gus
Collaboration in directing: Maria Muñoz – Pep Ramis / Mal Pelo
Collaboration in dramaturgy: Barbara Métais-Chastanier
Set design: Lluc Castells, assisted by Mercè Lucchetti
Musical collaboration and sound creation: Fanny Thollot
Lighting design: Adèle Grépinet
Costume design: Céline Sathal
Recorded music: Joel Bardolet (string arrangements), Jaume Guri, Masha Titova, Ileana Waldenmayer, Melda Umur
Construction: Jaume Grau and Pere Camp
Osteopathy and movement analysis : Sergi Pla
Lights and technical management: Enzo Giordana or Mathilde Montrignac
Stage management: Benjamin Porcedda or Cédric Bréjoux
Sound: Brice Marin or Fred Bühl
Managing director and promotion : Laurent Ballay
Production administrator : Caroline Mazeaud
Production manager: Pierre Compayré
Administration assistant: Élie Astier
Photos: François Passerini
PRODUCTION: Baro d’evel
COPRODUCTIONS: GREC 2018 festival de Barcelona et Teatre Lliure à Barcelone, Théâtre Garonne, scène européenne, Festival Montpellier Danse 2018, Malraux scène nationale Chambéry Savoie, ThéâtredelaCité – CDN Toulouse Occitanie, Pronomade(s) en Haute-Garonne, CNAR, MC93, Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis, Le Grand T, théâtre de Loire-Atlantique, L’Archipel, scène nationale de Perpignan, CIRCa, Pôle National Cirque, Auch Gers Occitanie, le Parvis, scène nationale Tarbes-Pyrénées, Les Halles de Schaerbeek – Bruxelles, Le Prato, théâtre international de quartier, pôle national cirque de Lille, L’Estive, scène nationale de Foix et de l’Ariège, le festival BAD à Bilbao, le Cirque Jules Verne, PNC Amiens, la scène nationale d’Albi dans le cadre du soutien du FONDOC, Bonlieu, scène nationale d’Annecy, l’Avant-scène à Cognac.
Project beneficiary of the PYRENART cross-border cooperation project, under the Interreg V-A Spain-France-Andorra programme POCTEFA 2014-2020 – European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
RESIDENCIES: Pronomade(s) en Haute-Garonne, CNAR, Le Prato, PNC de Lille, Le Théâtre Garonne
WITH SUPPORT from MC 93, scène nationale de Seine-Saint-Denis de Bobigny and from Animal to l’esquena in Celrà.
WITH SUPPORT for the creation from DGCA, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Conseil Départemental de la Haute-Garonne, and Ville de Toulouse.
The company is under financial agreement with Ministry of Culture and Communication – Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Occitania / Pyrenees – Mediterranean and the Region Occitania / Pyrenees – Mediterranean. It receives operational funding from the City of Toulouse.